Heifer Development Program

Years of data collection and the use of Neogen Igenity Beef Profile are the first line in our extensive commercial heifer replacement program. By using dam and sire records combined with the genomic scores and a bullet-point phenotype evaluation, we have developed a successful system for replacement selection in our commercial cattle herd.
Potential replacements are evaluated from birth, both genotypically and phenotypically along with attention paid to each animal’s individual dam and sire. Only cattle that show above average on both maternal and carcass merit are selected to enter our breeding program.
Keep an eye on our Cattle for Sale page. A couple of times each year, we will offer lots of open or bred commercial females. These females come with parent-verified sire/dam information and a full genomic profile. We will also offer a small selection of private-treaty Registered Angus herd sires and females.